Friday, April 07, 2006

Werewolves as Jewish Metaphor?

A fun and interesting article can be found at Forward Magazine, Should Jews Save The Werewolf From Extinction?, by Jeremy Wexler.

His idea of werewolfery as a metaphor for being a Jewish male in the twentieth century is pretty spot on. Looking at the mythology of werewolves through medieval Europe may cause you to question his conclusions, but he's actually drawing on the mythology of the Hollywood werewolf, from the original Wolf Man through Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Although the Hollywood ideal of a werewolf differs sharply from that of say Germanic or Russian mythology, it is a distinct and completely legitimate branch of werewolfery into and of itself. As such, Wexler makes a convincing case here.

On a side note, he asks the question if the werewolf myth can survive in the coming years. Lately, we've been besieged with bombastic monstrosities such as Van Helsing, or super-cool but inaccurate portrayals in the Underworld franchise. I try to keep up on the latest werewolf news, but it involves sifting through page after page of "Werewolf: the Game" fansites, that ubiquitous "Which Werewolf are you?" quiz, and strangely disturbing Harry Potter fanfic involving "Remus." God send us the Schwaben Creek Werewolf movie, and soon.


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